FASHIONCLASH presented with Fashion My Religion! the 10-year anniversary edition of the international and interdisciplinary FASHIONCLASH Festival. During the 15th, 16th and 17th of June 2018 more than 150 promising designers and stage performers from countries such as the Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Serbia, Finland, Uruguay and many more where given the stage at the festival.
studio AKATAK and Scott Robin Jun collaborated on the concept, scenography, video projections, lightning design and performing arts line-up for the catwalk show. Thanks to Fashionclash, Via Zuid, PS show support, Sessibon, Ellis Faas cosmetics and Kevin Murphy.
De Limburger
De modeshow in de voormalige Mose-decorfabriek heeft zelfs iets weg van een universele gebedsdienst. Een spirituele sessie. Een heilige modemis voor vele religies. Of het nu het katholicisme of boeddhisme is, het heilige geloof in homorechten, de kracht van dans of de schoonheid van het lichaam: het kan allemaal als religie worden beleefd. Monniken geknield aan weerszijden van de catwalk vouwen meditatief een gebedskleed op. Soms klinkt er gregoriaans, dan weer keiharde techno of antieke, krakend valse operette. Vlak voordat de modellen de catwalk op gaan, spreekt elke ontwerper een korte confessie uit. De een openbaart zijn inspiratiebronnen, de ander biecht op een zwak te hebben voor Kentucky Fried Chicken. De modeshow is uitverkocht. De Fashionclash heeft zijn plek in de modewereld veroverd.
33 Magazine
The Fashion Show program with more than 30 designers and 12 MAFAD graduates took place on Saturday evening, a spectacular evening in a setting designed by Studio AKATAK and Scott Robin Jun. There were many highlights such as Carlijn Veuring, Annaïss Yucra Mancilla, Daria D’Ambrosio, Jacqueline Loekito, SorteMaria, Teun Seuren, Matteo Carlomusto and Zahra Hosseini.
Kaltblut Magazine
Most religions tend to be restrictive regarding what their believers should wear. Fashion enhances the sense of liberty and creativity. The differences separating the two are more than obvious, but besides them, there is one strong bond that creates a bridge between them; Expression. People believe in a religion because they express their feelings and values through the divine, on the other hand people believe in fashion because they express their feelings and values through their own personal preferences. However, the controversies covering this oxymoron relationship have led to the penetration of fashion into religion and vice versa'.
Most religions tend to be restrictive regarding what their believers should wear. Fashion enhances the sense of liberty and creativity. The differences separating the two are more than obvious, but besides them, there is one strong bond that creates a bridge between them; Expression. People believe in a religion because they express their feelings and values through the divine, on the other hand people believe in fashion because they express their feelings and values through their own personal preferences. However, the controversies covering this oxymoron relationship have led to the penetration of fashion into religion and vice versa'.
A Shaded View On Fashion
In a world fraught with extremism, tension and fears, Fashionclash’s ambitious and democratic stance has become precious for anyone who’s interested in thinking of fashion outside the box
In a world fraught with extremism, tension and fears, Fashionclash’s ambitious and democratic stance has become precious for anyone who’s interested in thinking of fashion outside the box
Vogue Italia
Fashionclash delivered once again what has made it so wildly popular and appreciated amongst the fashion crowd, rising to become an international hot item in the calendar and a must for all those who love a good blend of controversy, entertainment, social engagement and groundbreaking fashion.
Fashionclash delivered once again what has made it so wildly popular and appreciated amongst the fashion crowd, rising to become an international hot item in the calendar and a must for all those who love a good blend of controversy, entertainment, social engagement and groundbreaking fashion.
Lotte Milder
Scott-Robin Jun
Antony van Gog
Wies Berkhout
Concept: Lotte Milder, Karlijn Milder, Scott Robin Jun & Mats Logen
Scenography: Scott Robin Jun & Lotte Milder
Video-projections: Karlijn Milder & Mats Logen
Lighting design: Karlijn Milder & Scott Robin Jun
Sounddesign: Matijs Guypen
Photography: Martina Fazekas
Production company: Studio AKATAK
Co-production: Via Zuid